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To create a patient centric, effective & safe healthcare ecosystem by developing the capacity of healthcare professionals & creating socially beneficial innovative solutions

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About Dr Zakiuddin Ahmed

Dr. Zakiuddin Ahmed is a visionary strategist, entrepreneur and a physician leader who specializes in developing sustainable, scalable and innovative solutions in Healthcare through information & communications technology. He’s the pioneer of Telemedicine and eHealth in Pakistan and has many “Pakistan’s firsts” to his credit in the digital health space. He has mentored many digital health startups, is on the board of international companies, and delivers regular key note invited lectures at global conferences.

Digital Health

Dr. Zaki has been pioneering Telemedicine in Pakistan since 1998. As a global expert in Digital Health & independent expert, he contributed in the development of “WHO-ITU National eHealth Strategy Toolkit” (http://www.itu.int/pub/D-STR-E_HEALTH.05-2012 ).
As the focal person, he had earlier conducted the 2nd Global eHealth survey 2009 of WHO Global Observatory for eHealth for Pakistan. He also organized the first “Stakeholders Workshop on eHealth Policy & Strategy” for WHO in Pakistan in 2008 & facilitated the “Stakeholders Workshop on developing Digital Health Policy” in Pakistan in 2019.
Dr. Zaki is one of the founding members of Middle East and North African Health Informatics Association (MENAHIA). He is the 1st Pakistani member of ATA and special Envoy of ISfTeH and also on the editorial board of its journal. He is a founding trustee of eHealth Association of Pakistan (eHAP) and its Past President. He has been the National Coordinator for eHealth, MoH, Government of Pakistan & Focal Person for eHealth for WHO. He is also on the editorial board of “Telehealth and Medicine Today” journal https://telehealthandmedicinetoday.com/index.php/journal/about/editorialTeam

Patient Safety & Healthcare Quality

Dr. Zaki established region’s first & dedicated institute on patient safety called “Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety” (www.rihis.riphah.edu.pk) at the Riphah International University in 2015. This institute has trained thousands of healthcare professionals from more than 100 hospitals in Pakistan on quality & patient safety. He also founded the “International Conference on Patient Safety” (www.icps.riphah.edu.pk) in 2016 which has become one of the most significant event in patient safety both nationally & globally due to the participation of international experts & all stakeholders in healthcare. This event also launched the landmark “Patient Safety Declarations”.
Dr. Zaki introduced for the first time in Pakistan the concept of Patient Centric Healthcare. He also founded the “Healthcare Quality & Safety Association of Pakistan” & developed the workshop “Patient First”. He brought the “Patient Safety Friendly Hospital Initiative (PSFHI)” of WHO to Pakistan and facilitated Indus Hospital and Tabba Heart Institute in getting awarded PSFHI level 1 status. He also worked with WHO on developing the National Situational Analysis & Quality Policy. He has developed partnerships for patient safety with national & global organizations including Imperial College London, University of Edinburgh, WHO, WISH Qatar, LHSN UK, HCAC Jordan, NIH Pakistan, among others.

Health Research

Dr. Zaki established “Health Research Advisory Board” (www.healthrab.org ), as its General Secretary, which started Pakistan’s first national registries in cardiology, diabetes, stroke, joint replacement, spinal surgery, and other specialties. He organized the 1st International Conference on Medical Research (IMRC) in Pakistan and has also organized many Research Awards.

Healthcare Leadership

Established the “Institute of Innovation Leadership in Medicine(IiLM) & has trained hundreds of senior physicians, CEOs, MDs & government officials.
He is the 1st certified physician trainer on “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” & “Unconscious Bias” in Pakistan & a member of American Association for Physician Leadership.
He has developed training programs for senior Physicians on Healthcare Leadership, Strategic Planning, Culture & Healthcare Communications and Coaches healthcare leaders.

Physician Entrepreneurship

Dr. Zaki founded “Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs of North America (OPEN) in Pakistan as its 1st President. (www.openkarachi.org )
For his contributions in the entrepreneurial space, he has been awarded the “Most Promising Entrepreneurs Award” by E-Global Awards 2012. He is on the board of OPEN Global, USA and many Incubators & Accelerators. He has also successfully completed a course on Entrepreneurship from MIT, Boston

Medical Ethics

Dr. Zaki developed the guidelines for Ethical Relationship between Physicians & Pharma for the MoH, Pakistan Chest Society and PIMA.
Dr. Zaki has worked with super specialty hospitals of Singapore, Turkey, India, Thailand, Saudi Arabia & UAE for creating meaningful collaborations. Dr. Zaki has a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine (MBBS) and a Master’s degree in Health Management (Executive MBA).

Recent Events

WISH 2023

At World Innovation Summit for Health with Aziz Sheikh and Liz Grant

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Delivered 2 full-day workshops on "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" Alhamdolillah for CEOs, MS, HoDs, Professors from hospitals in Punjab organized by Dr. Yasmeen Rashid, minister of health and Franklin Covey Pakistan.

A brilliant opportunity to positively influence healthcare leaders who are managing healthcare services for millions of people.

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Suite B-3, Muhammad Ali Society Post Office Building 64/21,
Karachi, Pakistan